Carefree M.D. Blog

Bronchiolitis vs. Bronchitis: Key Differences and How to Identify Them

August 27, 2021 | Blog

  A lot of people mix up bronchiolitis with bronchitis because they sound very similar. But, they’re not the same at all. They’re two distinct types of lung infections. This informational guide can help you figure out what the differences between bronchiolitis and bronchitis are, how you can identify them, and how you...

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Can You Pop a Cold Sore?

July 30, 2021 | Blog

Do’s and Don’ts for Cold Sores to Heal Fast Cold sores are a nuisance. They hurt. They’re uncomfortable. And they don’t look good either. If you have one, you probably want to get rid of it as fast as possible. So, can you pop a cold sore?  Turns out the answer may...

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Toothpaste on a Cold Sore? Myths and Real Remedies

July 19, 2021 | Blog

Ever thought of putting toothpaste on a cold sore? You’re not alone. Turns out there’s a lot of “home remedies” for these very common, frustration ailments.  However, not all cold sore home remedies are safe. This post will settle some of the debate on there about whether or not putting toothpaste...

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Why Do My Eyes Hurt When I Wake Up? [Causes and Treatments]

July 14, 2021 | Blog

Even if you’re a morning person, feeling pain when you open your eyes first thing in the morning can definitely ruin your day. And it’s not an issue to take lightly either. Discover why your eyes hurt when you wake up, and what treatment options you have. 7 Reasons Why Your...

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UTI vs. Yeast Infection: Differences and Similarities

June 26, 2021 | Blog

UTIs and yeast infections are both uncomfortable infections in the genital area. While they’re very similar in some symptoms and causes, they’re completely different infections. Find out why they’re easy to mix up, and how to tell the difference between UTI and a yeast infection. What Is a UTI? Urinary tract infections...

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How Long Does Sunburn Last? [Estimate Your Healing Time]

June 26, 2021 | Blog

A lovely day outside can quickly turn sour when you notice that you got sunburn. The pain, the redness, and the peeling can all be really uncomfortable. Discover how long sunburn lasts, and what you can do to make it heal faster. What Is a Sunburn Exactly? A sunburn is your skin’s...

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Is an Ear Infection Contagious? [Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments]

June 09, 2021 | Blog

Having an ear infection is painful enough. But, having to worry about infecting others makes it even more of a nuisance. Find out whether ear infections are contagious, and what you should do if you have one. What Are Ear Infections? Ear infections are viral or bacterial illnesses, usually in your middle...

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Urine Smells Like Eggs? [9 Reason Why Your Pee Has a Sulfuric Odor]

June 09, 2021 | Blog

Peeing is an everyday thing. But smelling sulfur while you go “Number 1” isn’t common. If you’re concerned, it’s worth investigating. Discover possible reasons why your urine smells like eggs, and when you should see a doctor about it. Is Urine Supposed to Smell? Yes. Your urine has a unique smell. This...

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Which Is the Best Antibiotic for Your Tooth Infection?

May 27, 2021 | Blog

Tooth infections are more than just painful. They’re also potentially dangerous. If you have a tooth infection (tooth abscess), you’ll want to treat it with the best antibiotic medicine out there. However, there are various kinds of antibiotics. Learn more about your treatment options for dental infections and make an informed...

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How Long Does a Common Cold Last?

May 19, 2021 | Blog

  Having a cold is annoying. Your nose drips, you have a headache, and your throat is probably sore too. You can’t wait for this illness to be over, can you? Find out how long a cold lasts, why your symptoms aren’t improving, and when you should see a doctor.  What Is...

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